Welcome to the UK Municipal Bonds Agency

Lastest News: UKMBA Publishes Sustainable Finance Framework and Second Party Opinion

​The UK Municipal Bonds Agency (UKMBA) provides loans to UK local authorities to fund capital expenditure, essential projects such as schools, care homes, housing, recycling centres, energy from waste plants and infrastructure. With 56 local authorities and the Local Government Association as shareholders, the UKMBA is owned by local government for local government.

The UKMBA provides funding through three lending programmes:​​​

  • Proportionally guaranteed, pooled loans of £1 million or more for maturities greater than one year.
  • Standalone loans to a single local authority for £250 million or more for maturities greater than one year.  These loans are outside of the proportional guarantee and are guaranteed solely by the borrower, who must obtain an external credit rating from one or more of the major credit rating agencies.
  • Short term, pooled loans, outside of the proportional guarantee for maturities of less than one year.

Except for standalone loans, local authorities do not need to obtain a credit rating from one of the three major credit rating agencies, Moody’s, Standard & Poor’s or Fitch.

The key benefits to local authorities are:

  • Savings due to lower interest rates
  • Protection from changes to the PWLB’s terms and conditions and diversified funding sources
  • Fully transparent pricing
  • Tailored products to suit local authorities’ needs
  • Economies of scale thereby reducing costs

More information for local authorities can be found here.

The UKMBA offers:

  • Fixed rate loans
  • Forward rate and forward starting loans
  • Floating rate debt

Additional information can be obtained by contacting Christian Wall or June Matte at 020 3530 7500 or by emailing christian.wall@ukmba.org or june.matte@ukmba.org.

For media enquiries please contact SEC Newgate at 020 3757 6870 or pfm@secnewgate.co.uk